At Smith & Smith Home Inspections, we provide the community of Manchester TN with detailed and thorough home inspections. As a family-owned business, we understand the importance of making sure your potential new home is well constructed and safe. As an InterNACHI certified home inspector, I bring years of experience in framing, remodeling and a former owner of a subcontracting business to each home inspection. With experience with fixing home defects, I know where to look, in visible and hidden areas, for issues that could affect the quality of the home. Your home inspection will give you the valuable knowledge to make an educated decision on your purchase.
Certified Home Inspection Manchester TN
Each home inspection will cover the entire property inside and out. As a certified home inspector, each comprehensive inspection includes structural systems such as the basement, foundation, drainage, walkways and porches; roof coverings, roofing including draining systems, skylights, chimneys; electrical systems, plumbing systems, HVAC and all major appliances. Infrared and thermal imaging will be included in every home inspection as well to uncover areas of heat and moisture that are not visible.
Within 6 hours of completing each home inspection, our clients will receive a thorough report via email detailing our findings. We include high-definition photos and videos to clarify any areas of concern. We will be happy to review the report for any areas of clarification as needed. Each report will include an easy-to-use repair request document generator to quickly copy and paste when requesting repairs or concessions.
Radon Testing
While low levels of radon may be present in the air, when radon is trapped in your home it becomes a dangerous, cancer causing gas. Radon is invisible and odorless. Testing is the only way to determine if it is present in your potential new home. No matter if your home is new construction or an older home, we highly urge each customer to add radon testing to their home inspection.